The only life worth living is a life worth dying for.
14 from 2014
2014 was a busy year. I weathered the polar vortex in Hawaii
It actually made for some super crazy winds.
and then immediately after in Kansas, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
I saw two friends ordained
and 5 couples married.
I visited 11 foreign countries (that sign in the background says France)
along with some of the most beautiful places in this one.
I spent a lot of time with my sweet nieces and nephews
but far more time driving.
I walked where my heroes walked,
The lamp post at Oxford that’s said to have inspired the Chronicles.
where they were born,
and where they died.
I marveled at the beauty of God’s creation
and at what men have made to glorify God.
I am blessed beyond imagining.
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Author: Meg
I'm a Catholic, madly in love with the Lord, His Word, His Bride the Church, and especially His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. I'm committed to the Church not because I was raised this way but because the Lord has drawn my heart and convicted my reason. After 2 degrees in theology and 5 years in the classroom, I quit my 9-5 to follow Christ more literally. Since May of 2012, I've been a hobo for Christ; I live out of my car and travel the country speaking to youth and adults, giving retreats, blogging, and trying to rock the world for Jesus.
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5 thoughts on “14 from 2014”
Happy New Year to you, Meg! Enjoyed our visits this year!!
Happy New Year to you, Meg! Enjoyed our visits this year!!
what a beautiful year you had! Thank you for sharing
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year to you Meg! May God continue to bless you!