The only life worth living is a life worth dying for.
15 Images of St Joseph to Tug at Your Heartstrings
It’s taken me years, but I’m really learning to love St. Joseph. Part of it has probably been praying this novena, but a bigger part is art. I’m sorry, but I just can’t get that excited about an old guy with a lily.
But with all the traveling I’ve done, I’ve seen a lot of images of St. Joseph that have shown me that this is a tender, fierce, joyful, protector of a man, the man who taught curly-haired, gap-toothed Jesus how to hold a hammer and speak to ladies and go back to sleep after a nightmare. That’s a Saint worth loving. So here are some of my favorite images of Joseph, strong, sweet, and silly as he was.
Watching over Mary during the Visitation. It never occurred to me that he might have traveled with her, but of course he would have wanted to protect her!Loving on his bride.Not just teaching little Jesus but learning from him, too.Standing behind Mary and Jesus with his staff, ready to take on any brigand, ruffian, or trained soldier who might threaten his beloveds.Mary’s looking at Jesus and Jesus is looking at the Father but Joseph is looking at the audience as if to say, “You GUYS! Do you believe they let me hang out with them??”Look at the way they love each other! Jesus is looking at Joseph like, “Dad you did a really good job making that horse! One time I made all the horses and it was really cool. But I really like your horse!”In the cold of the stable or the uncertainty of the flight into Egypt, Joseph was their rock, the one who (in the image of the Father) made everything okay. Whether cold or frightened or just exhausted, Jesus and Mary knew Joseph would hold them. Mary was without sin but Joseph was the one ordained by God to be the leader of their Holy Family and he gave every moment of his life to serve them.Oh, his humble smile holding the sweet little foot of toddler Jesus who asked his Papa for a shoulder ride!I’m a sucker for non-Western images of Mary, but you hardly ever see any of Joseph. Here’s a lovely Korean one to remedy that.Baby Jesus shoulder ride!I adore this one. At first you think Jesus is just little and fell asleep playing but then you see the way he’s holding his hand and wonder. I think he was hammering a nail, the echoes of the crucifixion overcame him, and he was broken with grief at what he would have to suffer. Before Gethsemane, I imagine he prayed that prayer–thy will be done–a thousand times. And Joseph is there speaking to the Father on behalf of the Son, asking that he would have the strength and courage to suffer for love of men. Sigh.Oh, the love in those eyes. Many of you get to see this in the way your husbands love your babies. If this picture makes you think of your husband, go give him a nice long kiss. You got a good one.There’s a pain in his eyes despite the smile on Jesus’ face. Who knows what he was worrying about or regretting. See how he drops to Jesus’ level and hangs on so tight? Would that we ran to Jesus like that.Even as the traditional old man, Joseph is on his feet, staff in hand, willing to fight.Goodness, he looks like a giddy 20-year-old on his wedding day. The look on his face, like, “Have you seen this woman? Have you seen this baby? This is MY family! How did that even happen?”
St. Joseph is patron of the universal Church, terror of demons, and patron of a happy death. But above all, I think, he’s the patron of husbands and fathers. So here’s to St. Joseph and to the men who (in his image) love and serve and protect and tickle and delight and adore. Thank you for being men after the heart of St. Joseph. Good St. Joseph, pray for us!
Edit: many thanks to Mary Ellen Fosso for this incredible image of St. Joseph from the cathedral in Wichita:
Look at the arms on that carpenter! God sure didn’t find a weak, passive man to take care of his son and his mother.
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Author: Meg
I'm a Catholic, madly in love with the Lord, His Word, His Bride the Church, and especially His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity in the Eucharist. I'm committed to the Church not because I was raised this way but because the Lord has drawn my heart and convicted my reason. After 2 degrees in theology and 5 years in the classroom, I quit my 9-5 to follow Christ more literally. Since May of 2012, I've been a hobo for Christ; I live out of my car and travel the country speaking to youth and adults, giving retreats, blogging, and trying to rock the world for Jesus.
View all posts by Meg
16 thoughts on “15 Images of St Joseph to Tug at Your Heartstrings”
Great selection! And can we talk about these korean angels? They are adorable!!!
These are so great! The statue of Mary and infant Jesus curled up in Joseph’s lap just about did me in…at my desk at work. I imagined the following conversation:
Co-worker: Um…are you ok?
Me: *sniff* Yes…just got choked up looking at art depicting St. Joseph.
Co-worker: ??
Good morning. I just found this post and love the art with Mary and Jesus in Joseph’s lap. Do you know what the art work is called or where this statue is located. I would like to possibly purchase this statue in memorial to my father. Thank you.
Love this. In the Hands of the Father by Roger Loveless and Walking with God by Morgan Weistling are two other favorites of mine. Thanks for sharing. Karen recently posted…15 Images of St Joseph to Tug at Your Heartstrings
This is such a lovely collection, Meg! Thank you. I love the “You GUYS. Do you believe they let me hang out with them?” Which is how I always think about St. Joseph.
Hello! I have stumbled upon your blog and I am enjoying reading your posts. Thank you for living out your faith and thank you for writing! I was wondering if you can please let me know where the statues are at? They are beautiful. I especially love the last one. I love all of your comments on them too. God bless you! I’ll keep reading!
Great Job! I Love St. Joseph, and was looking for a good image of him for his upcoming feast day to include on my school homework website page. I agree about the way you envision the one chosen to be the head of the Holy Family: serious protector, loving, sacrificial, STRONG, compassionate, understanding, obedient to God, provider, faithful, tight with God, and probably younger, despite what some may think.
The statues were amazing. Would you please tell me where they are? You are living the life of a true disciple, may God bless you a hundred fold, provide for and protect you and your mission. I was thinking perhaps you might be able to speak at my Catholic grammar school where I teach? Is there something I could do for you?
Blessings and peace, and One in Spirit,
Hello! I’m looking at your page of 15 images of St Joseph that will tug your heart strings..and was hoping you could help me locate that image of Joseph and young Jesus in the workshop, where you commented “not just teaching Jesus, but learning from him too” ??
I adore this one. At first you think Jesus is just little and fell asleep playing but then you see the way he’s holding his hand and wonder. I think he was hammering a nail, the echoes of the crucifixion overcame him, and he was broken with grief at what he would have to suffer.
I would like to use this image, can you tell me who the artist is or where the image is displayed?
These are lovely images. Where is the one from that you describe Joseph as “giddy”? Our parish just got a new holy family statue that looks EXACTLY like it!!
Great selection! And can we talk about these korean angels? They are adorable!!!
These are so great! The statue of Mary and infant Jesus curled up in Joseph’s lap just about did me in…at my desk at work. I imagined the following conversation:
Co-worker: Um…are you ok?
Me: *sniff* Yes…just got choked up looking at art depicting St. Joseph.
Co-worker: ??
Haha #Catholicproblems is right!
Good morning. I just found this post and love the art with Mary and Jesus in Joseph’s lap. Do you know what the art work is called or where this statue is located. I would like to possibly purchase this statue in memorial to my father. Thank you.
Love this. In the Hands of the Father by Roger Loveless and Walking with God by Morgan Weistling are two other favorites of mine. Thanks for sharing.
Karen recently posted…15 Images of St Joseph to Tug at Your Heartstrings
Oh, yes! I love those!!
This is such a lovely collection, Meg! Thank you. I love the “You GUYS. Do you believe they let me hang out with them?” Which is how I always think about St. Joseph.
I love the photos and statues. My husband looks up to st Joseph. I’m sending this link to him… love all the captions and reflections too.
Hello! I have stumbled upon your blog and I am enjoying reading your posts. Thank you for living out your faith and thank you for writing! I was wondering if you can please let me know where the statues are at? They are beautiful. I especially love the last one. I love all of your comments on them too. God bless you! I’ll keep reading!
Great Job! I Love St. Joseph, and was looking for a good image of him for his upcoming feast day to include on my school homework website page. I agree about the way you envision the one chosen to be the head of the Holy Family: serious protector, loving, sacrificial, STRONG, compassionate, understanding, obedient to God, provider, faithful, tight with God, and probably younger, despite what some may think.
The statues were amazing. Would you please tell me where they are? You are living the life of a true disciple, may God bless you a hundred fold, provide for and protect you and your mission. I was thinking perhaps you might be able to speak at my Catholic grammar school where I teach? Is there something I could do for you?
Blessings and peace, and One in Spirit,
Hello! I’m looking at your page of 15 images of St Joseph that will tug your heart strings..and was hoping you could help me locate that image of Joseph and young Jesus in the workshop, where you commented “not just teaching Jesus, but learning from him too” ??
Thank you!!
Shoot, I think I saw it at a parish in Mt Carmel, Illinois. You’re welcome to this image! Or you can contact the parish and ask. Good luck!
Wonderful images, thank you so much!!! God bless you 🙂
I adore this one. At first you think Jesus is just little and fell asleep playing but then you see the way he’s holding his hand and wonder. I think he was hammering a nail, the echoes of the crucifixion overcame him, and he was broken with grief at what he would have to suffer.
I would like to use this image, can you tell me who the artist is or where the image is displayed?
These are lovely images. Where is the one from that you describe Joseph as “giddy”? Our parish just got a new holy family statue that looks EXACTLY like it!!
Hello Meg,
Do you know the artist for the Visitation photo? I would love to purchase a copy of that photo.