I know there are people out there–lots of them–who show up Sunday morning and call it good for the week. I know there are people who check Catholic on forms but don’t have any kind of a relationship with Christ. I guess I just figured there was a solid core of believers who were in love with Christ–or at least trying to be.
But I’m reading Sherry Weddell’s Forming Intentional Disciples and it’s breaking my heart. Almost half of Catholics, she says, don’t believe God is a personal God. They don’t even believe it’s possible to have a relationship with him. Most of us don’t pray beyond what’s required and when we do it’s not about love so much as a sense of duty. We might be committed to the Church, but we’re not really committed to Christ.
I hope this shocks you as much as it shocked me. I hope you’re living for Christ and seeking him every day in prayer. But if you’re one of those people checking off the boxes, one of those people doing the bare minimum and longing for more, I’m calling you out. Please go deeper. Christ is so much more than you think he is and you can be so much more, too. It’s great that you’re going to Mass, but I know he wants more from you. He wants more for you. He wants you to know him, to love him, to follow him and be fulfilled by him. He wants your prayer to be more than just lip service. He wants you to want him.
Maybe that’s too abstract, so I’m not staying up in my ivory tower on this one. I’m getting practical. You want to know where to start? Here are 50 ways to approach prayer like it’s more than just something to get through so you can get on with your week. Try one, try them all, but try something. You have nothing to lose. You have everything to gain.
- Close your eyes and just repeat the name of Jesus.
- Write a letter to God every night for a month. Promise yourself you won’t let anyone read them so you can forget the fancy language and get real.
- Read the Song of Songs like Christ is the bridegroom and you’re the bride. Because you are.
- When things get crazy, go to adoration at night.1 Don’t try to stay on topic–just talk through all the mess in your life. Talk in circles and get frustrated and pull out your shopping list and process until your mind finally slows down. Work through it all and then just let yourself be. It’s a very loud silence, that.
- Pray the news. Beg mercy for sinners, healing for the infirm, justice and peace and God’s will in all things.
Go somewhere beautiful (I recommend Montana) and revel in the majesty of God.
- Hold a crucifix while you pray.
- Pick a small but regular sacrifice (no sugar in your coffee, no condiments, no added salt). Thank Jesus for his sacrifice every time you make yours.
- Pray the Our Father slowly. Take ten minutes to pray it once.
- Ask the Blessed Mother to hold your hand and walk you to Jesus.
- Tithe your free time–if you work eight hours a day and sleep eight hours a day, spend 48 minutes in prayer over the course of the day.
- Think of how your small children tell you they love you–over and over, at any opportunity, with deep feeling and deep beauty even when it’s deeply awkward. Talk to God like you’re a little child.
- Sit in a circle with your closest friends and take turns talking out loud to God.
- Pray the Mass like it’s the Last Supper–because it is. Listen to Jesus like it’s your last night with him.
- Pray the Mass like it’s Calvary–because it is. Look at his body stretched out, lifeless for you on the Cross. Receive his body broken for you in the Eucharist. Ask for the grace to live a life that’s worthy of that love.
- Pray the Mass like it’s the heavenly banquet–because it is. Look for what’s true and good and beautiful. Thank God for the gift of the liturgy.
- Go to a church and sit in silence until you just can’t stand it any more. Then sit for another five minutes.
- Listen to an Ignatian Meditation. (More here.)
- “For everything that has been, thanks. To everything that will be, yes.” -Dag Hammarskjold
- When you kneel before the priest in confession, be mindful of the fact that you’re kneeling at the foot of the Cross accusing yourself before the God who hangs dying to save you. Hate your sin but let him love you just the same.
- Memorize a Bible verse first thing in the morning. Make it your theme for the day.
- Every night, write down every sin you committed that day. Do it until you just can’t take the weight of all those sins, then go experience the sweet release of absolution. After your confession, burn the list.
- Pray the Litany of Humility until you mean it. Ouch.
- Read Psalm 136, which describes everything God has ever done as being done because of his love. Go through your life from the very beginning and list everything that’s happened to you. Follow each event–good or bad– with “for his love endures forever.” Let him show you how he used every single thing for your good.
Jules Bastien-Lepage’s Joan of Arc. Look at her. She’s attentive and determined but somehow already exhausted. Do you listen for God? Do you act when he says to even if you don’t think you have the strength? Meditate on sacred art.
- Talk to a friend about your relationship with Jesus. Sometimes talking about God becomes talking to God.
- Remember: “[God] will give us feelings of love [toward Him] if He pleases. We cannot create them for ourselves, and we must not demand them as a right. But the great thing to remember is that, though our feelings come and go, His love for us does not. It is not wearied by our sins, or our indifference; and, therefore, it is quite relentless in its determination that we shall be cured of those sins, at whatever cost to us, at whatever cost to Him.” -C.S. Lewis2
- Read the day’s readings each day. Write down five things you learn.
- Some time when you’re not tired, lie down in the sun and try to be still with the Lord. You may drift in and out of sleep but you may also surrender your mind and actually manage silence.
- Pray over pictures of starving children. Ache for them as Christ aches for you.
- Do something mindlessly physical while you pray–run or crochet or paint a wall. Engaging your body can make it easier to surrender your mind.
Jesus falls the third time. Source. Meditate on the Stations of the Cross. Don’t just read the prayers in some book–ponder the prayers, look at the pictures, put yourself in the scene. Walk the Via Dolorosa with your Lord.
- Make a list of everything you love about the Lord–who he is, what he’s done, how he loves you.
- Pray for an image of your relationship with Christ–lovers, knight and squire, father and child, king and slave, comrades at arms–and learn through that.
- When you can’t take it any more, drive to the middle of nowhere and let God have it. It’s not the nicest prayer, but it’s some of the most real.
- Hit your knees first thing in the morning and thank God for everything that’s coming at you that day. Think through everything you’re expecting to deal with and thank him for the good, the bad and the ugly.
- Offer each day–all prayers and sacrifices and blessings–for a specific person.
- Do 15 minutes of spiritual reading. Spend 15 minutes talking to God about it.
- If you speak another language, try praying in it. It’s harder to daydream in a foreign language.
- Do lectio divina.
- Rock out to some passionate praise music–“Lord I Need You,” “How He Loves,” “Amazed.”
- Pray some intense hymns–“Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silent,” “It Is Well,” “When I Survey the Wondrous Cross,” “Come Thou Fount.”
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3T5WWy-uk0U - Pray some intense poems–John Donne’s “Sonnet XIV,” Francis Thompson’s “Hound of Heaven,” Bl. John Henry Newman’s “The Pillar of the Cloud.”
- Do a daily examen.
- When you’re suffering, thank God for all he suffered for you. Ask him to use your pain for his glory and the salvation of souls.
- “Lord Jesus Christ, son of the living God, have mercy on me, a sinner.” Over and over until you mean it.
- Pray a scriptural rosary.
- Treat the Mass like the sacrifice it is. The whole thing is about Jesus giving himself completely for you, so listen to the readings like a challenge to surrender. Then offer your joys to him when the priest offers the bread. Offer your sorrows when he offers the wine. Offer your whole self when Jesus gives himself to you in the Eucharist. Come out changed.
- At the end of the day, talk to Jesus about everything that happened that day. Thank him, beg his forgiveness, ask for strength for tomorrow.
- Go through the motions if it’s the best you can do. It’s better than nothing.
Maybe none of these will fit you. I’m writing as an uber-emotional, academically-oriented woman. If you try these–multiple times–and you’re still not feeling it, try something else. Ask your priest, your best friend, the random lady at Mass who seems so pious. Share your suggestions and struggles below. Part of the problem is that we so often don’t talk about any of this so nobody realizes that nobody has it together. Then we decide that we’re just not one of the lucky few chosen to be saints and we settle for the bare minimum–a handful of obligations with no heart.
Christianity is so much more than a list of rules and pious practices, friends. It’s a relationship, a love like none you’ve ever known before. It’s the meaning of life, the God of the universe made man for you. Please don’t be content with empty prayer and an unabandoned heart. Ask for more. He always answers that prayer.
- I don’t know what it is about the dark but it makes adoration so much more powerful. [↩]
- via my dear friend The Evangelista [↩]
That second paragraph breaks my heart, too. “Come to me, all you who travail and are heavy-laden, and I will refresh you!” And He does!
“Kommet her zu mir alle, die ihr mühselig und beladen seid, und ich will euch erquicken.” The very first scripture I ever memorized in German.
The Old Wolf recently posted…Rice Bubbles and Weeties
Every time I read one of your posts I always think/say “Thank you God for Meg”. And you’re right about Montana!
I thought I would just read a couple because I really identified the first couple as things I am already doing…When I got through all 50, I realized they were all really good things to do, most of which I have tried to make a habit of at one time or another, and great advice…God bless you and keep up the good work!!!
Jason Roebuck recently posted…Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini…pray for us!
I just linked to this through Brandon Vogt.
This is wonderful – overwhelming yet wonderful!
Thank you!
I will be printing it out and also sharing it!
This is a wonderful, wonderful list! Thank you!
After reading this I realized that I really have to do much more to increase my prayer life and devotion to our Lord.
I really love this! Thank you to whoever have done this 50 Ways to talk to God.
Pray the Most Holy Rosary every day: Lots of good rosary apps or http://comepraythe rosary.com
Pray the Divine Office: http:// DivineOffice.org
Learn to pray at the Traditional Latin Mass: http://LiveMass.net http://iMassapp.com
I used to be Catholic until I learned that Catholicism was more pagan sun worship than Christian. Find out why – Dr. Walter Veith – The Wine of Babylon, The Islamic Connection and The New World Order on YouTube.
God Bless!
Meg, May God continue to bless you in all that you do.
This is such a beautiful piece of writing. Thank you!
You know, I think to take it for granted that people can make the mental and spiritual leap to feel like they have or can have a “personal relationship with God” is to ignore the fact that faith is DIFFICULT–and clearly has no experience of *not* being Catholic. For a Protestant, Protestants have the corner on the “Personal Relationship with God,” and just writing or thinking those words makes me shudder because it implies an emotional response that is usually, in my experience, fabricated and overplayed. I became Catholic because Catholicism gave me a way *in* without relying on emotions that I couldn’t necessarily drum up. The thing about this post is that it is so very CATHOLIC!! It doesn’t try to evoke your belief emotionally (though that appeal to emotion at the beginning was a bit offputting because it simply felt like someone who didn’t understand was suggesting that I must be like her in my experience of God). Instead, it gave STEPS. Here are things that you can DO to try to understand who God is and how He fits in your life. THAT is Catholic. It is Active. It is rational in a way. It is ritual. It is what the liturgy does. The Mass is to spiritually benefit even those who DON’T get it, and I think it’s important to know that people who aren’t *there* yet are still *becoming*–even if they only show up on Sunday.
My favorite emblem of Protestant spirituality is the short story “Salvation” by Langston Hughes, because it represents my experience of Protestant churches. You go somewhere. Someone tries to get you to feel something–often guilt–that translates into acceptance of God. You don’t feel it, or you feel something that you realize later is guilt. So you go forward–or pretend–only to realize later that whatever it was was NOT God, which calls all religion into question. Faith is hard. And in the PRACTICE of Catholicism, I found something of the meaning of a spiritual connection to God. (See? I still can’t say “personal relationship.”
Perhaps this is one of the reasons that Catholics with a personal relationship to Jesus tend to say we know the Lord (however imperfectly) rather than that we have a personal relationship. You can get to know a person in a million ways. Spending time with Jesus in the Eucharist and reading Scripture are the strongest ways for me to get to know Him. How you get there may well differ, but He wants to love all of us and wants us to love Him back.
Sue Korlan recently posted…Latest writing
The Dominican Sisters await you! 🙂
So young and so very filled with God’s wisdom. This is the first post of yours I have read, but it will not be the last.
Thank you,
Thank you a lot! These 50 suggestions are so doable. I am going to do a few at a time. I’m actually excited about being more abiding and walking in Jesus Christ. Thank you again!
Personally, I actively dislike the Prayer for Humility because it seems to me that it’s asking me to start caring about what other people think. The goal of my life is to have the only person whose opinion matters be Jesus Christ. When I live so that others’ opinion is irrelevant, whether it’s positive or negative, then I am more able to do exactly what God wants for me at each moment of my life. That’s my goal and the rest is really irrelevant.
I’m sure patients in mental hospitals will have no trouble mastering these exercises.
Or you could just talk to a mirror. It would be JUST as effective.
If you want to help someone, help them directly, instead of chanting to your invisible friend.
If you want to REALLY help:
– Volunteer at at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen.
– Donate to (legitimate) charities. money. clothes. coats and hats, etc.
– Hand out free food, blankets or shoes to the homeless.
– if its a sick friend, bring them soup, or offer to take care of errands for them
– Or SOMETHING that involves ACTUALLY DOING something, instead of just asking your imaginary deity to do it for you.
I was your three years ago.
Keep searching buddy. As good as you’ve got it now, you were made for so much more!
Stupid phone…
Hey bro, perhaps you haven’t heard that the Catholic Church is the largest provider of charitable services in the world?
I can pretty much guarantee that everyone does those things will be someone who prays to the guy you call an imaginary friend every day:
If you want to REALLY help:
– Volunteer at at a homeless shelter or a soup kitchen.
– Donate to (legitimate) charities. money. clothes. coats and hats, etc.
– Hand out free food, blankets or shoes to the homeless.
– if its a sick friend, bring them soup, or offer to take care of errands for them
Prove me wrong. Do something like this every day.
You should help people because it’s worthwhile thing to do, not because someone on the internet challenged you.
Also, it’s more than a little arrogant to assume that every helpful person in the world will be a theist; and especially that they will be your particular flavour of theist.
Thank you for this beautifully and thoughtfully written article. I found the link on the Facebook page of a very special priest, Fr. Michael J. Denk. Your suggestions are wonderful, and I am so glad abd blessed to have found them.
Meg, the Holy Spirit is using you! Good on you! Keep it up and we’ll keep praying for those who are persecuting you. If they’re reading your blog, they’re reading good stuff. Gods is using you to plant seeds.
Great prayer ideas! I’m glad you posted this.
Thank you Meg for your blog. It’s blessing and what I needed.
What a waste…
I really liked the blog (espescially the tips). First I have to wait till I get my drivers lisence( I’m in sixth grade) and then I would like to do tip number 35.
Ps I love reading your blogs 🙂
God is real, he is not IMAGINARY….
The particular commenter in question never called your deity “imaginary,” they stated that a blog titled, “50 ways to talk to god” was a joke.
An troll is not necessarily atheist, and even in that case, your statement of “god is real” will likely not convince the trolling commenter.
If you want to have a worthwhile comment section it would be best if you simply ignore “Jezuz” and not respond in a similarly trivial and meaningless manner.
Do you ever stop to wonder why the God you worship is so vain? Do you really think it’s important to Him that you chant His name over and over again? Is He that egomaniacal?
Do you ever wonder, why you stop and wonder? Do you ever think that maybe that God doesn’t need you, but we need Him? Do you ever think why do you seek meaningful relationships but seem so lonely?
No to all your questions Dave. I “wonder” because I’m curious. I don’t believe in God so I understand that He doesn’t need me, and I don’t think anyone needs god(s) to get by. Your last question is rather nonsensical – more like religious babble.
Care to answer my questions now? Why have you made the God you worship so egotistical? Why did you make Him so vain that He requires humans chant His name and or praise Him constantly? It makes Him look weak and petty…
The beautiful thing is I haven’t made God at all, He made me… He is seeking me, that is the beauty of prayer. To the best of my ability I am seeking to know a God who loves me, just for me.
The truth is He is all Good, it is I who am weak (nonsensical), I rely on my senses as you pointed out so well. He does not rely on my babbling…
Thank you for caring enough to reply –
I guess I should have expected that reply… but you bring up an interesting point – that “He is all Good”. One of the saddest things religion has done to humanity is redefining the word “good”.
Even a cursory glance at a bible and it’s pretty clear that God is not “good” by any sane definition of the word. I mean – he drowned the entire human population (except for Noah and his posse), killing newborns, pregnant women, elderly, mentally ill, everyone!! How can this be “good”? He instructs a rapist to marry the woman he raped. He instructs a slave owner to properly beat his slaves (with a rod!). He instructs parents to murder their unruly child. etc.
Not a day goes by when I’m not thankful that this “God” doesn’t really exist, and that the bible stories are fiction!
Jathiest: I wanted to respond to your thoughts about God’s “goodness.” I am a Christian and in reading the Old testament I too struggle to see God’s goodness when he responds so harshly sometimes to sin in the Old testament. But I understand it. The piece of the puzzle you are missing is that God is not just good He is also holy. Life comes from God, when we choose to become separate from our life source we are choosing death. Sin = death or as I like to explain it sin = separation from God. This death is not to punish us it is simple giving us what we asked for, teh absence of God and all that he is which is life, which is love – joy – peace – patience – goodness – faithfulness – gentleness – self control. If you are choosing to reject God and all that He is what is left? When you remove His nature and character from your life you are left with nothing – hate – anger – sorrow – death. In the Bible when people sinned they had to pay the penalty, they chose death rather than life. God is holy He can not be around sin – when we choose sin we chose not to be around God and all that He is. God wanted to change this for us. He wanted the harsh penalty of death removed, but someone had to pay it. That person was Jesus Christ, God’s son. In archery terms “sin” means to miss the mark. If we want to choose life, if we want to choose all that is good and to have forgiveness for the times we have missed the mark, that we have not been holy beings as we were created to be than we have to accept Jesus’ sacrifice for us, confess that we have not been holy and accept His forgiveness. But God does not make us choose Him, He does not force us to choose holiness (His ways) we can always turn from that which is good and that which is life and turn to that which is unholy – which is death. I pray that you will see God for who He is and understand how much He wants you to choose to be with Him.
Kristal wrote: “Sin = death or as I like to explain it sin = separation from God. This death is not to punish us it is simple giving us what we asked for…”
Looking at this from my perspective and I have to disagree with you. I see zero evidence that any god(s) exist and therefore see zero reason to believe in one. If God drowned the human race because they “chose” to be separate from Him that’s really unfair considering the lack of evidence He’s produced regarding His existence (not to mention all of the humans that weren’t anywhere near the middle east at this time and would have drowned having never had the opportunity to believe!).
And if He really just wanted to give humans what they wanted (being separate from Him) did He really need to do it in such a horrendous way? Imagine actually drowning to death! Cruel!
Kristal cont’d: “If you are choosing to reject God and all that He is what is left?”
Reality! A life on earth which needs to be lived to its fullest! A whole universe of beauty to explore and understand!
There is plenty of good stuff left after you reject religions and superstition.
Kristal cont’d: “When you remove His nature and character from your life you are left with nothing – hate – anger – sorrow – death.”
Wow – not even close! I simply can’t believe the fantastic stories in the bible (or Koran or other ‘holy’ book) – I don’t choose not to believe, I simply can’t believe the unbelievable!
This does not leave me with nothing but “hate – anger – sorrow” – do you really believe that atheists can’t experience love, joy, beauty?
Kristal cont’d: “God is holy He can not be around sin…”
You have to wonder why He created us with a penchant for sinning then don’t you?
Kristal cont’d: “He wanted the harsh penalty of death removed, but someone had to pay it.”
So the Creator of everything, a ‘being’ so powerful He literally created the whole universe and everything in it – and yet He couldn’t figure out a way to rid world of death without brutally torturing His own son to death? Are you beginning to understand why I find this all utterly impossible to believe?
Sorry for being so long winded… peace.
If you believe that God doesn’t exist, then why do you spend so much time and effort trying to prove He doesn’t exist? Why does it matter so much to you to prove He doesn’t exist?
Mary asked: “why do you spend so much time and effort trying to prove He doesn’t exist?”
This is a common question, and one I’m happy to answer.
I fight so hard trying to convince people of the folly of religion because even though religion itself is a man-made myth, the believers of the various religions actively do harm to society ~because~ of their beliefs. Their beliefs are harmful – false for sure – but also harmful.
We have a constant attack on science (mostly biology) by religious people who don’t accept settled science (like evolution). They want to teach biblical creationism in science class at the cost of giving the students a ridiculously bad science education.
We just got through 8 years of Bush using his bible and prayers to make policy decisions for our country.
In short (too late, I know!) false beliefs actively harm society. Whether it’s homeopathy, astrology, religion – it doesn’t matter. They are bad for humanity and I would love it if everyone arrived at that conclusion so we can get on with moving forward as a species.
jatheist, do you really think that committed Christians like those who frequent this blog will believe you? Earlier, you wrote this:
Oops, it didn’t work. Darn it!
I meant to point out this paragraph of yours, jatheist: “Do you ever stop to wonder why the God you worship is so vain? Do you really think it’s important to Him that you chant His name over and over again? Is He that egomaniacal?”
The migration away from religion is often a slow one. If I can get even one person to rethink their faith I will be happy. You would be surprised how many deeply religious people have doubts and will start really thinking about what they believe, and why they believe it, from having read a contrary opinion in a combox.
I fully understand that most people will dismiss me as an atheist troll – but not everyone will and for that I continue commenting.
Jathiest: While I’m reading these comments nearly a year and a half after you wrote them, I’d like to thank you for sticking up for what you believe in, even if I do not agree. Rethinking one’s own faith is important, as you pointed out, because without it we get stuck in our own little rut. My wish is that people could understand that faith and reason/science are not incompatible or contradictory. Evolution is a fact, and perhaps the Big Bang is too (not my field) but God is outside science, which is why it is difficult or impossible to prove him. But so many things point to an creator: the fact that people are alive – only possible if there is exactly the right amount of each element in the world, the fact that miracles happen (I know a young man who was supposed to die in three months of a brain tumor more than two years ago. He’s happy and healthy and now cancer free though the doctors could do nothing), the fact that Christianity has not died in 2000 years despite rigorous persecution at many times and in many places. Even overlooking all this, choosing to explain it in some other way like parallel universes, where did those universes come from? It had to be from somewhere. Where did that place/thing come from? It too had to be from somewhere. But if time goes back infinitely, how can we exist? There had to be something that started it, something first. And I am going to call that thing God.
I know that you and jatheist probably won’t see this cause it is so long after your comments but if you do I want to ask you something: Do you believe that Jesus existed? I’m just asking if you believed that he was a person who lived 2000 years ago. If you do believe that he existed and died on a cross why would his followers die saying that he resurrected if they know that this is not true? Why would so many people die for a man who died the worst criminal’s death?
Meg, you already know this, but it’s been sticking in my head, so maybe I should post it here. Matthew 5:10-12: “Blessed are those who are persecuted because of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you.”
Several people seem to have come here because of the so-called Friendly Atheist on patheos.com. To channel The Princess Bride (because apparently I can’t think for myself today), they keep on using that word (friendly). I do not think it means what they think it means. 🙂
Dear visiting atheists, you don’t know Meg. She’s done way more than handing out free food to homeless people—not that there’s anything wrong with that. She isn’t telling you about all the astoundingly selfless good deeds in her background, because she isn’t here to praise herself.
You also don’t know that if she were talking to you in person, she’d be very polite. She’d try to meet you where you are rather than beat you over the head with a Bible and tell you that you were going to hell. I’ve met that kind of Christian, and Meg isn’t one of them.
In fact, you’re missing the point with this post and most of her other posts. Meg is talking to Christians and telling them how they can get more out of their faith. She obviously isn’t talking to you, not in this post.
It’s kind as if I were to wander into a blog all about make-up, perfume, extreme hair care, etc. It would instantly turn my stomach. (Seriously. It would.) I might want to yell at the blogger that she is completely wrong, stupid, misled, and in fact destructive to care about this stuff and tell others about it. However, what good would that do? Would anybody then hit her forehead and have a blinding flash of revelation that I am right and all that make-up stuff is wrong?
But maybe you just like stirring up trouble. I guess there are people like that who rejoice in others’ discomfort. If that’s the case, all we can do here is offer our compassion. You must be in pain to want to do this. Somebody hurt you once with regard to faith, maybe over and over, and now you just want to lash out at anybody who talks about faith. I’m so sorry that happened. I apologize on behalf of the person(s) who hurt you. It was wrong. I’ll try never to do it to anybody.
So you’ve had a positive effect here. You’ve made me think about how I treat my friends and family who are atheists and agnostics. Thank you for opening my eyes a little. And please forgive me for what I’ve done to you in the past and what others have done. I don’t know about them, but I really don’t want to hurt you. Meg doesn’t, either.
Peace be with you.
Ouch – what a condescending comment Melissa!
Melissa wrote: “You must be in pain to want to do this.”
Why? Why is it so hard to understand that religious faith is detrimental to the human existence and wanting to rid the world of superstition (in all its forms) isn’t because we’ve been personally “hurt” by faith? It’s because we want a better society to live in.
Melissa cont’d: “Somebody hurt you once with regard to faith, maybe over and over, and now you just want to lash out at anybody who talks about faith.”
You seem to think you have it all figured out. You’re dead wrong on this though. Every time an innocent person is burned alive for being a witch, every time a child dies because their parents chose to pray rather than seek medical help, every time a woman is murdered for the crime of being raped (see Pakistan for ample examples) – every time something like that happens because of some monster’s religious convictions I want to shake humanities collective head and scream!
These examples might be extreme but they are real. They are the result of religion’s (previously) untouchable status in society. All we’re doing now is standing up for rational, evidence based thought – pointing out that belief without evidence often yields horrible results. Where once you couldn’t point out that forcing a woman to cover from head-to-toe is cruel, now (in North America at least) we’re starting to. And the religious are starting to feel the heat. Your beliefs are no longer untouchable – and where those beliefs are absurd or harmful we are going to continue to point that out.
Hemant is a very nice guy – that he criticizes you doesn’t make him nasty. He is a very “friendly” atheist and that he happens to criticize you doesn’t change that. It’s simply a case of your persecution complex rearing it’s head – your beliefs are fair game for criticism so you should get used to it!
I needed this…thank you.
Well, you certainly rocked me with this post. I’m sure glad someone directed me to this. You are one insightful young lady. God bless. I’ve also linked this in my blog and listed my favorites of the 50. Here:
Manny recently posted…Faith Filled Friday: 50 Ways to Talk to God
Meg, it looks like you are creating some great conversation here. I am just popping by because I love lists, I love you, and I love our God. You combined all of them?? What the??
Anyway, keep up the wonderful work, dear friend. It is appreciated by myself and many!
Jenna@CallHerHappy recently posted…Are you a social media master? At what cost?
This post touched me as no other. Thank you.
Thank you so much I needed this I never cry like ever but I started crying reading this on public transit this is pwerful I am going to be trying them thank you again
nice one,keep it up.
very good its very nice exp
it a great i felt that i was in heaven
it is wonderful and great.
Wow! I’m blessed with all your suggestions on ways to talk to God. I put these in my to-do list and practice it each day.
I want to read stuff you wrote everyday!
i think prayer is the best way to talk with god directly
I just found your blog
And I fell in love with it
Keep it up!
God Bless you!
Thanks for your beautiful text.
I have a question and I really need it to be answered. We live a world with different humans around it. Some believe in god and some not. lets talk about those who believe in god.
They believe in different gods how ever muslims, Christians, jews they all believe in a unique god. How can we recognize which one is better?
Is it important which one is selected or the most important is that \we believe in God
It caught my attention when you explained that religion is more than just following a list of rules because it allows us to develop a new relationship with God. I’ve been really confused and overwhelmed for the last couple of months due to the huge amount of violence and conflict that’s been happening in the world. Thanks for helping me see that seeking knowledge in God would help me get through these difficult times.
Wow! I’m speechless! Every tip is powerful. Prayer is powerful but it has to be done the right way. Thanks for sharing these tips. They will definitely help enhance my prayer life. God bless you!
Edet recently posted…Prayers For Healing And Recovery
Hands down the best article. Loved every single way to talk to God. Appreciated!
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