“Upon the palms of my hands, I have written your name. Your walls are ever before me.” -Isaiah 49:16
This declaration of love, made centuries before Christ’s sacrifice, is a promise to us that He will never leave or forsake us. God loved us so desperately, he wrote our names on His hands. Those pierced hands testify to His love for us as much as they testified to the truth of the Resurrection when shown to the Apostles. And it is in putting our lives in those pierced hands, surrendering our own desires to the One who loves us too much to give us everything we want, that we find true freedom.
The pierced hands are proof of our faith–truth. They are the price at which we were purchased, we must now glorify God in our bodies1–goodness. They are the hands that hold us in their loving, suffering embrace now–beauty.
There’s no place else I’d rather be.
- 1 Cor 6:19-20 [↩]