Merry Christmas! (Yes, it’s still Christmas. Praise the Lord and eat something peppermint!)
To recap for anyone who might be new around here:

Since I was 15 years old, all I’ve ever wanted to do was lead people closer to Christ.1 I felt led to be a high school religion teacher, so I went and got not one but two degrees in theology from Notre Dame. I taught in Atlanta for three years, spent three months in the convent, then taught in Kansas for two years. Last spring, I realized that God was calling me to be an evangelist in a more dramatic way, so I packed everything I own into the trunk of my car and now I’m traveling the country speaking to youth and adults at schools and parishes, giving retreats, and blogging along the way.
In the seven months since I hit the road, I’ve spoken in 8 states, stayed in 18, and driven through 29. I’ve spoken on conversion, the Eucharist, confession, life in Christ, Scripture, the Mass, the Resurrection, the HHS Mandate, lectio divina, chastity, discernment, the New Evangelization, the Blessed Virgin Mary–you name it. I’ve worked with middle-schoolers on up and it’s been a great blessing.
But I’ve had a lot of down time, too. And while it’s nice to get to visit friends and family, I get frustrated when I’ve got any stretch of time when I’m not meeting new people, speaking God’s word, and trying to lead souls to Christ.
You guys have been amazing–from kind comments and emails to the prayer I trust I’ve got coming from you to incredible hospitality and generosity, you are such a blessing. Is it too forward to call on the body of Christ for a little more support? I just really want to be working for the kingdom–anywhere and everywhere–and I bet you guys know people who’d like to bring me in. Is anybody willing to put in a good word for me?
In January, I’ll be headed to Hawaii,2 then back to reality in Georgia and Florida. From Florida in early February, I’m headed up to Indiana, then over to Cleveland with a possible trip to New York in between. Then back down to the DC area in March before I head out to Kansas in the middle of the month. At that point, I’m wide open. I’m toying with the idea of heading west to Colorado, maybe Nevada and California, but I don’t have anything lined up until some summertime stuff in Ohio.

So this is where you guys come in! So many of you have told me that you love my blog or that you’d love to hear me speak. Well, let’s make it happen! If you know anyone who’s involved in Christian education or ministry, could you put in a word for me? I’m not picky–you don’t have to have money or big numbers or even an official ministry.3 If you live anywhere near where I’ve got plans to be, let me know and I’ll swing by. Or if you’re somewhere else, we can figure out a time when I can head out your way. Shoot, y’all, I’m going to Hawaii–wherever you live couldn’t possibly be less convenient.4
Seriously–I will drive to Montana for your Sunday school class, to Maine for your Golden Years coffee hour, or to Oklahoma to talk to your daughter about her sketchy boyfriend. If you feel led to help me out, you can send your DRE or youth minister5 or whoever to my basic speaking page or this page with tons of poor-quality videos. This page talks about the apologetics boot camp that will be premiering in Hawaii next month. If you want to give them something more official, you can contact me and I’ll email you my press kit.
I hate to ask for help, and I hate it even more because I feel like I’m asking y’all to help me in my career. But I promise it’s about ministry, not money–you literally don’t even have to give me any money if you don’t have any in the budget. So please don’t feel pressured or taken advantage of, just do me this favor: spend 30 seconds in prayer asking the Lord if there’s anything he wants you to do to bring me to your area. If there is, awesome–I can’t wait to meet you! If not, no worries–we can still be friends. And as always, I appreciate your prayers like you would not believe. So whether you’re going to nag your boss for me or not, please keep the prayers coming!
I’ll be on Spirit Catholic Radio in Omaha on Thursday morning at 8am CST. We’ll be discussing Hebrews 2–listen live and let me know what you think!
Do you know about Goodreads? It’s like Facebook for books–it’s my new favorite thing! You can keep track of what you read and how much you liked it and get book recommendations and see what other people are reading. I’m kind of obsessed. You should friend me–especially if you like YA princess books–and see how impressively juvenile my choice of literature really is.
While we’re being random, if you could spend the Triduum anywhere in the country, where would it be? My Easter looks pretty open and I want to go somewhere where I can really pray rather than squeezing Jesus in between social obligations. Any recommendations?
- Also, to be a rock star, have a million kids, and eat everything made of white chocolate that I ever encountered. But mostly the Jesus thing. [↩]
- God can never be outdone in generosity, right? How ridiculous is that? [↩]
- Moms’ group anyone? [↩]
- Or more awesome, but that’s not the point I’m making. [↩]
- or Adult Faith Formation Coordinator or principal or campus minister or RCIA director or religion department chair [↩]
What?! You are going to be on Spirit Catholic radio this week? That is awesome! I will be listening!
Notre Dame has an awesome Triduum 😉
Don’t forget my wedding, September 21st in Omaha 🙂
It’s already on my calendar 😀
I’ll make sure to talk to my campus minister about it, but even if that doesn’t work out, if you’re ever in the Delaware area I’d love to get a chance to talk to you one-on-one. As to the Triduum, I would highly recommend staying at the Community of St. John novitiate in Illinois if you can ( They have the most beautiful Masses I’ve ever seen even on a daily basis; unfortunately, I haven’t gotten to see them at the Triduum, but I’m sure it’s awesome.
Chris, I’ll be around DC for the first two weeks of March. If your campus minister wants me to come up, I could make a day trip 🙂
Do you know if the Community of St. John has a guest house or retreat facilities? That sounds awesome but I don’t want to get a hotel. Thanks!
When I was there in April, they were working on the guest house; I don’t know if they’ve finished it yet. But they have retreats there, so they must have room for at least a few guests. You should be able to email the sisters and find out.
Their email is
We need you in Colorado Springs and Las Vegas. Tell me when you’ll be here and I will hook it up.
The summer-time engagment during the summer, would that possibly be at the Apostolate for Family Consecration in Bloomingdale?
Nothing official yet, but that’s the hope 🙂
Ooooh where in DC???