A very well-meaning person wished me a “belated merry Christmas” the other day. Now, I hate to be pedantic1 but there’s nothing belated about Christmas wishes right now unless you’re talking about last Christmas. I’m sure you all know this, but Christmas has only just begun. In fact, it’s still Christmas day until tomorrow night!2 The octave of Christmas is an eight-day celebration of Christmas day, complete with the Gloria at every Mass and the same psalms in the Office for over a week. Then the season continues past Epiphany (even the Twelve Days of Christmas aren’t enough for us Catholic party animals) until Ordinary Time begins with the Baptism of the Lord (this year, January 12). If you like, you can even go old-school and stretch it to February 2nd for the more traditional Christmas feasting. That gives you at least another week and a half of Christmas, friends, and as much as another month–let’s live it up!
But the Christmas carols went off the air before the 25th was even over. Christmas merchandise is 70% off by now and if you tell people you’re taking a Christmas vacation until mid-January, they’ll think you’re nuts. How do we keep Christmas alive in this world of post-12/25 Scrooges? As always, I’ve got a few thoughts.
- Wish everyone a merry Christmas. When they (inevitably) tell you you’re “a little late,” just say cheerfully, “Actually, Christmas doesn’t end until January 12th this year!” Who knows? Maybe it’ll give you an opportunity to witness a little.
Especially keep your nativity sets up! How beautiful is this one? Keep your Christmas decorations up. When people (inevitably) point out that you’re “a little behind”…see above.
- Celebrate Epiphany with a party and king cake and crowns and a rousing rendition of We Three Kings. “Little Christmas” should be a big deal.
- Spend some time at a nursing home or helping at a soup kitchen–anywhere they had tons of volunteers last week but are wanting for help after the holiday glow has worn off. That made-for-TV “Spirit of Christmas” you’ve been hearing so much about is, in fact, the Holy Spirit and he prompts you to do works of mercy all year round.
- Keep listening to Christmas music. But don’t just listen to it–really meditate on the power of some of those hymns. Try “It Came Upon the Midnight Clear” (especially verses 4 and 5), “What Child is This” (verse 2 breaks me every time) and “O Little Town of Bethlehem” for starters.
- Read a book about the Christ Child, the Blessed Mother, or St. Joseph. Pope Benedict’s Jesus of Nazareth: The Infancy Narratives is a great choice while Caryll Houselander’s The Reed of God is much my favorite about the Blessed Mother.
- Buy all the discounted white-chocolate-peppermint candy. Eat “birthday cake” after (or for) every meal. Go out to dinner in your tacky Christmas sweater. Feast!
- Send out your Christmas cards really, really late. Point out in your letter that your “late” cards are liturgically appropriate while all those overachievers are practically heretics–Christmas cards in Advent? I mean, really!3
- Ask parents of young children if you can bring dinner over one evening and/or watch the kids while they go out. If you’re really brave, offer to take the kids out during the day so the parents can nap. Think of it as a favor to the Holy Family.
- Keep the Mass in Christmas–add an extra Mass each week to wish Jesus a happy birthday. While you’re at it, throw in a rosary (joyful mysteries, of course) to honor Mary and meditate more on the Incarnation.
- Volunteer with an organization that serves homeless families or immigrants. Remember that from the slaughter of the innocents until his return to Nazareth, Jesus was a homeless refugee.
Pretty much all we do around here is pretend to be Jesus and Mary (or the dolphins in the “Bethwehem water!”) or play with nativity sets. Spend time playing with your children and their nativity sets. Today, I watched my 2-year-old niece put St. Joseph down for a nap. Then the angel came and woke him: “Joseph! Joseph! FWEEE!!!”4 My nephew keeps gasping and wishing various babies Jesus a breathless “Happy birthday!” These kids know it’s Christmas.
- Use social media to share some quotations from Saints and popes on Christmas and the Christ Child. If you’re at a loss, try the Office of Readings–it’s full of them. Or visit Christina over at The Evangelista for beautiful images and meditations.
- Have family prayer time that focuses on the infant Jesus. Kneel before your nativity set, let your children hold the baby Jesus, sing Christmas carols, read parts of the Christmas story and discuss how you would have felt in different people’s positions, and find prayers to the Holy Infant. The longer you celebrate Christ and Christmas, the more your child’s happy memories of childhood will be tied to a joyful, lived faith.
- Host a Christmas party on January 11th. Seriously, I would be your best friend.
How else will you keep the Christmas in Christmas this season? I’d love to hear your season-long traditions!
Happy New Year, friends, but mostly MERRY CHRISTMAS!!
I wished the girl at the airport bookstore a Merry Christmas on Saturday and when she corrected me, I told her it was actually the 4th day of Christmas. She looked at me like I had two heads, but it was SO much fun. 🙂 And I’m a hopeless pedant too, so you’re in good (?) company!
(And thanks for the shout-out!)
Christina Grace recently posted…Happy 7th Day of Christmas!
“[Jesus’] being a child gives…
Well said and right on! Merry Christmas!
Oh, how I love you for number 9. If only!!
And I try to start each day by wishing my kids “Happy #_ Day of Christmas!”
Similar to Christina Grace and Kate, during my written correspondence during this time, I cheerfully wish people “Merry Christmas (Day # of 12)!” Even though technically we’re in the Christmas octave, people are familiar with “the twelve days of Christmas,” so that’s the phrasing I use!
Very good Meg. I like number 5. The sacred hymns of Christmas mean a lot to me.
Atta girl !
Our family has celebrated Advent(!), then Christmas till Maudy Tuesday since 1968.
We have kept up our live tree during that entire season each year, not even buying it until days b/f Christmas. One year my brother-in-law, on St. Valentine’s day, asked us if we were trying to see how the decorated tree would look with all the needles fallen off.
Wished we would have had all your great sugestions then. Note: we are 71 & 75 and learning more about this treasured season every year.
I love this!!! This year, I decided to remind my family of the fact that Christmas is more than just Christmas day, so being that I have 12 relatives in my immediate family (my parents, sisters, brothers-in-law, and nephews), I have chosen one person for each day of Christmas, and I won’t finish my gift-giving until Epiphany! It turns out that this way of gift-giving has really helped me and my family to be more appreciative and cognizant of the real Christmas season! (We are also firm believers in keeping the Christmas decorations up!)
Amanda recently posted…The Second through Eighth Days of Christmas!
We will keep our decorations up until the Epiphany and our nativity sets out until the Feast of the Presentation. Do you know where that nativity block set that you shared a picture of came from? I wanted to get one for my 2 year old this year but couldn’t find one as sweet as that one. Most of them only had silhouettes. Thanks!
My friend Lindsey made it! She’s starting a new Etsy shop soon–I’ll have all the details in a blog post as soon as she gives me the go-ahead. The best part is that she’ll have all kinds of Saints in the same style and they’re totally affordable!
Please tell her if she has another set like that one to save it for me! It’s still Christmas, right!?!
Charlotte recently posted…Happy New Year!
We are actually going to an ugly (Christmas!) sweater party on the 11th! If you manage to be in the area, I’m sure I could have you added to the guest list 😉
This is (one of many reasons) why I love you! Unfortunately, I’m speaking in MD that day. Maybe March?
We had our tree up until late last night ( the 9th) , I’d like to claim it was be cause we were still celebrating (or because Gregory would be too sad if we took it down) and not that we were lazy!