11 thoughts on “Merciful Like the Father: St. Vitalis of Gaza”

  1. Meg, thank you for writing about him-I’m so glad to be able to match up a name with the story; I heard this story once in a talk, but the saint’s name wasn’t given. So, now I know who it was that did this! St. Vitalis is so cool!!! I’m also really glad that you’re reflecting on him, so that more people can know about how awesome he is 🙂
    AnneMarie recently posted…Let’s Not Make Lent About ConvenienceMy Profile

  2. I am not a Catholic. I am not a Christian. I do not believe in a Higher Power…but while flipping through a copy of Lives of Saints, that my late cousin left to me, I found that Saint Vitales’ day of celebration is on my birthday, January 11. I read his story and was very moved. Such a great man…I still do not believe in God, but what an immense. My heart is filled.

  3. St Vitalis is my patron saint and this is the best telling of his story I’ve ever read. Thank you very much!

    —Your Orthodox sister

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