Happy Mother’s Day to all physical mothers (biological and adoptive), spiritual mothers, birth mothers, foster mothers, stepmothers, and godmothers out there.
Happy Mother’s Day to fathers who have to take the place of mothers, to grandmothers and aunts and neighbors who become mothers, to family and friends who support the mothers in their lives.
Happy Mother’s Day to mothers who’ve lost children, to mothers who haven’t yet begotten children, to mothers who ache over their empty arms and mothers whose arms sometimes seem too full.
Happy Mother’s Day to mothers estranged from their children and to children missing their mothers.
Happy Mother’s Day to Pinterest mothers and drive-thru mothers, to single mothers and married mothers, to working mothers and stay-at-home mothers, to mothers who have it all together and mothers who need a break.

Happy Mother’s Day to Sisters and nuns and consecrated women the world around who have borne no children but are mothers just the same.
Happy Mother’s Day to mothers of aborted children, to teachers who become mothers, to women wise beyond their years who mother their peers and their elders.
Happy Mother’s Day to the Mother of all mothers. May God bless us all with hearts like hers, open to being broken for love of our children, ready to suffer selflessly that the world might know Love.
If you are a woman, you are a mother. Happy Mother’s Day to you.
Happy Mother’s Day to you, Meg!
Melissa H-K recently posted…In Which Rotting Organic Matter Thrills Me
Happy Mothers Day! Your post reminds me of when a church I went to with my family before I converted gave out carnations to all the women, even the little nine-year-olds like me!
Also, not going to lie, I definitely thought Rosie was the older sister. But in that picture, she looks exactly like Mary Claire.
Mary Claire and Cecilia are my clones 🙂 Elizabeth had the nerve to take after her dad!
Rosie recently posted…What They Said, Special Edition
What Rosie said. Also, everyone who knows us from the internet seems to think that Rosie is older. Maybe because she has kids?
Now that I think about it, that’s probably why I thought she was older too.
Claire Rebecca recently posted…Modern Virtues